Saturday, October 12, 2013

Performed on a playgroung in a big city as part of
With Mireia Ruano Garcia, Francisco Serrano Martinez, Juan Portnoy, Ana Portnoy, Aina Ruiz and Jérémie Pujau.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Performed on a small public square at the university campus of a big city as part of the Festival.
With Katleen Luger, Lena Wicke-Aengenheyster, Christian Steiner, Karin Weinmeister, Martin Dudek, Thomas Lehner, Nikkey Goddard et Jérémie Pujau.

Photo: Nikkey Goddard and Martin Dudek

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Performed on a small public square at the heart of a market at the beginning of the afternoon in a big city as part of the festival. Same place as setting 07.
With Lena Wicke-Aengenheyster, Denise Goff, Julius Holländer, Teresa Havlicek, Martin Dudek, Thomas Lehner, Nikkey Goddard and Jérémie Pujau.

Photo: Nikkey Goddard and Martin Dudek

Monday, September 30, 2013

Performed on a small public square at the heart of a market at the beginning of the afternoon in a big city as part of the festival.
With Verena Doublier, Denise Goff, Magdalena Gartner, Andreas Fuchs, Thomas Lehner, Nikkey Goddard and Jérémie Pujau.

Photo: Nikkey Goddard and Andreas Fuchs

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Performed on a large touristic public square in a big city in the afternoon. Same place as setting 02.
With Karine Turcot, Susanne Beer, Franck Walter, Romain Lajarrige and Jérémie Pujau.
Photo: Franck Walter

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

This performance was discussed at a meeting with residents of the city who came to Caffe Letterario after the fourth performance.
Performed in a quiet square in a middle size town.
With Motelb, Fabio Resciniti, Dario Gaglione, Alessandro Chial, Lorenzo Deluca, Ilena Filippini, Mauro Pea et Jérémie Pujau.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Performed at the front entrance of a shopping mall on a Saturday afternoon, during a residence organised by Motelb, in a middle size city.
Those interviewed during the performance were invited to come the next day to caffee Letterario to watch the video together and talk.
With Motelb, Elena Rocca, Fabio Resciniti and Jérémie Pujau.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Performed in a non touristic public square in a large city in the late afternoon.
With Mathieu Sylvestre, Susanne Beer and Jérémie Pujau.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Performed on a large touristic public square in a big city in the afternoon.
With Julien Thomas, Annie Luck, Sara Atzeni, Andrea Piantoni and Jérémie Pujau.

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Performed on a commercial high footfall street in a middle size city.
It's the starting point of projet who will grow years later.
The scientific knowledge and especially the maturity it demands were unknown to me at this time.
I was still a student in an art school.
I sensed only a tiny part of its potential and the territories it will take me to.
In order to better understand my intention back there, I encourage you to read the first text written.